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How to choose the perfect Christmas Turkey

What to look for in a Christmas turkey

When we think of Christmas food and Christmas dinner, turkey is the meat that often comes to mind. Carving the meat at the table adds a special element to the season, with turkey leftovers being a tradition in many UK households. However, even though many of us don’t buy turkey at other times of the year, it’s still important to find the right bird for your meal. This post contains all the information and relevant advice you need to select the perfect turkey for Christmas this year.

Turkey is a very lean meat which can dry out easily during cooking. When cooking a whole turkey, whether you’re roasting, smoking, or grilling, the goal is to be left with juicy meat that’s packed full of gamey flavour. When picking out the right turkey for Christmas dinner, the first consideration should be its size. There’s nothing worse than cooking a complex meal for Christmas day (or any event) only to find out there isn’t enough food to go around. It’s generally accepted that 450-500g per person will be enough, although you can go larger to be on the safe side.

Once you’ve settled on a size for your turkey, you need to check that it will actually fit in your oven. A large turkey needs space around it for the hot air to circulate. Plus, it’s important to note that turkeys often need to be cooked for long periods of time, so if there isn’t space in your oven you won’t be able to use it to cook any other dishes while it’s in there. Finally, we recommend buying only the highest quality turkey to maximise flavour and texture for your Christmas dinner.

Kelly Bronze Turkey: the ultimate quality option

A full Kelly Bronze turkey or turkey crown is an exceptional showstopper that is leagues above a regular turkey. The KellyBronze is a special treat that comes complete with cooking thermometer, along with preparing and cooking instructions. At The Village Butchers, we even offer a KellyBronze Turkey Breast Roast that has all the bones removed for easy tableside carving.

Tips for cooking the perfect Christmas turkey

Roasting a turkey is a time-honoured tradition that dates back centuries, with each family adding their own unique twist to the recipe. Whether you prefer a classic herb-infused turkey or a more contemporary citrus and spice rub, the key is to cook with care and attention to detail. The aroma of a roasting turkey wafting through the house is a sure sign that the festive season has arrived, filling hearts with warmth and anticipation. The following tips will help you serve the perfect Christmas turkey.

  1. Avoid stuffing the turkey: Stuffing is unlikely to cook evenly in the turkey cavity due to its shape. Trying to correct this can lead turkey meat in other parts of the bird to dry out. Of course, this isn’t an issue if you simply want to cook turkey crown.
  2. Season all over: Most turkeys have a large surface area, which should be completely covered in the seasoning of your choice to impart maximum flavour. You can go a step further by rubbing butter underneath the skin.
  3. Low and slow cooking: Turkey is best cooked on a medium heat(170°C in a fan oven) over many hours. The exact time will depend on the size of the bird. Using a meat thermometer, you should then look for an internal temperature of around 75°C.
  4. Cover strategically: The wings should be tucked under the breasts to avoid burning during cooking, with the latter also being loosely covered. Tying the legs will also help the turkey cook evenly.
  5. Rest the turkey: As with any meat cut, but especially with large roasting joints, resting is crucial to lock in flavourful juices. For turkey, leave it to rest for at least 20 minutes loosely covered with foil. You can use this time to finish the gravy or any other Christmas trimmings planned to accompany the meal.

Reserve your Christmas turkey ahead of time

If you’re stuck thinking how to find the perfect turkey for Christmas, maybe because there isn’t time to look around multiple butchers or you aren’t sure what to look for, ordering online can be solution. With The Village Butchers, you can be safe in the knowledge that you are getting high quality meat that’s prepared and packaged by experts. What’s more, our range includes bird of many different sizes so you can choose the option that’s best. Contact us if you have any questions.

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